What Is Phospholipids?
Arranged as a lipid bilayer, phospholipids costitute a major structural and functional component of all cell membranes. Because of their amphiphilic character, phospholipids act as emulsifiers and they can form lipid micelles or bilayers (e.g., liposomes) depending on their chemical structure.
When suspended in water, most phospholipids form lipid bilayers and/or closed lipid vesicles, these vesicles (liposomes) consist of an aqueous core surrounded by one or several phospholipid bilayers. Liposomes are suitable to encapsulate watersoluble drugs and to solubilize poorly water-soluble drugs for oral, topical, and parenteral use.
Our Company
Has collaborated for almost 20 years with Lipoid, which is one of the pioneer German companies in the field of Phospholipids with more than 40 years of experience in developing and producing high quality purified Lecithin sourced from egg yolk, Soybean oil, non-GMO Soybean, also from Canola and Sunlower oil.